The #Lean60 Challenge

60-Day Progressive Fitness Program to Help You Get Strong, Get Lean + Stay Consistent in the New Year with Jill Coleman

Cardio + Weight Routines for at Home or the Gym

Stay accountable to completingĀ short (but intense!) workouts over the course of 60 days.Ā 
#Lean60 $159

Last month, I surveyed my Instagram audience.

And I asked folks how they’ve been feeling about their exercise routine lately.

They chose from these 3 options:

  1. Motivated most of the time to train
  2. It’s a habit so I go, but just checking the box recently
  3. Lost some motivation, skipping workouts lately

After receiving over 250 responses, over 50% of people said they've either been just checking the box OR they'd started skipping workouts with motivation waning. 

And here's the thing ... 

Me? I’d been falling into the middle category too, in recent months šŸ˜¬


Since finishing up #Physique40 lastĀ July and then going hard in the business the last 4 months Ā ā€¦ Iā€™ve been *mostly* checking the box.

Itā€™s a habit for me and fitness is an enormous part of my identity, so I always show up, always.

But itā€™s just been ā€¦ meh.

And while it's okayĀ and has happened to me several times over the last 25 years Iā€™ve been training consistently ...

I also MISS being excited about training!

Iā€™m ready to PROGRESS my physique again! Not just maintain.

Iā€™ve been in an exercise holding pattern and selfishly I want to elevate my training in the new year with my best online training buddies (you!).

AND SO, I'm inviting you to join me!

You in??

How It Works:

#Lean60Ā is a Workout Consistency Challenge ... but it's so much more!

I'm asking you to put some skin in the game and COMMIT to 60 total days--and of course set yourself up for habit change and continued consistency and progress after, which is why this challenge is actually DOABLE and not extreme!

I'm providing 3-5 workouts/week (in a Suggested Calendar), plus videos to help you with your exercise form, plus a suggested calendar to follow.

The name of the game is consistency + results!

The goal is to dial in our fitness routines and challenge ourselves by completing short, but intense metabolic conditioning workouts. These workouts are specifically designed to elicit physique change in 15-40Ā minutes or less with consistency. These are weight training workouts, but you will also feel the cardio burn!

In order to complete the challenge, you must complete 37 workouts over the 60 days (an average of 3-5 workouts a week).

Yes, this is going to be tough! Thatā€™s why itā€™s a ā€œchallengeā€ but all workouts are 20-40 minutes MAX, and as the goal is consistency, I want you to do what you need to to get them in!Ā 

It'sĀ called #Lean60 ...

... not only because ā€œleanā€ is a look and a feel, but more importantly because ā€œleanā€ is a way of doing thingsā€”fast, simple, efficient and streamlined. Itā€™s the opposite of clunky, cumbersome, long and miserable.

And at 41 years old, I want my training to be LEANā€”in and out of the gym in less than 40 minutes.

I donā€™t want to spend hours exercising or need a ton of fancy equipment or do 5394 different exercises lol.

I want training to be a fun, challenging and fulfilling *part* of my life, but not my whole life.Ā 

Maybe thatā€™s you too?

People say that motivation is fleeting. Itā€™s external. Donā€™t rely on it. Find an intrinsic inspiration, form a habit, make it your identity!

And I donā€™t disagree.

BUT, when youā€™re in a funk, when youā€™ve been inconsistent or in a holding pattern, you may actually need a little *transient* external motivation.

You may need support, some accountability, some affirmation, a cheer squad, something to help you BUILD MOMENTUM so that yes, at some point you can graduate to it being easy, automated and intrinsically just who you are.

Which is why #Lean60 is 60 days.Ā 

Itā€™s enough time to offer some initial motivation and external push. But itā€™s short enough to not be a forever crutch. Besides, we shouldnā€™t need challenge after challenge after challenge to stay the course.

#Lean60 has 4 phases, as part of the P2S2 System:

  • PRIME phase ā€“ 2 weeks
  • PUMP phase ā€“ 3 weeks
  • SHRED phase ā€“ 3 weeks
  • SOOTHE phase ā€“ 4 days

Itā€™s not going to be balls-to-the-wall * to start* (weā€™ll get there ;)) but Iā€™m looking to systematically roll out the phases so you stay healthy/injury-free, challenged and motivated to KEEP GOING.

All workouts can be done with dumbbells (I suggest one heavy set, one light set) and/or barbells.

Join nowĀ andĀ let's do this!

As always, if you have any questions, you can always email me: [email protected].

What People Have to Say About JillFit Workouts

What's Included in #Lean60?

  • Brand new workouts programmed to elicit REAL resultsā€”these are fire! Weight-training PLUS metabolic conditioning PLUS cardio/HIIT.Ā If you've done any of my other programs, #Lean60Ā builds on #PhysiqueFinishers and #LeanBuilding. The program is a full-body split, 3-5 days per week, all workouts will take you 20-40 minutes and can be done at home with DBs or at the gym.

  • All workouts contained on convenient print-and-go PDFs and access to a mobile-friendly app/website that's password protected and easy to access. You'll have lifetime access.

  • Demo videos forĀ each individual workout breaking down the form of each individual movement.Ā These areĀ formatted to help you master form for eachĀ movement so you don't have to wonder if you are doing it right or be worried you'll hurt yourself. These demo videos are short and to-the-point so you dont have toĀ spend all day watchingĀ videos but instead can get what you need and get into the workout ASAP.

  • Warm-up and cool-down videos to help you stay safe and recover more effectively.

  • A suggested workout calendar to help you build these workouts seamlessly into your week (it's the exact schedule I'll be following!) to help keep you on track and give you the room to adjust as needed based on your schedule.

  • And so much more!


More Workout Feedback from Clients:

Hi! I'm Jill, your coach!

I’m Jill Coleman, aka @JillFit!

And I'm so pumped to bring you the #Lean60 Challenge!

This program is going to help you generate a ton of results, experience camaraderie, getting the support and guidance you need and of course, get plenty of good, old-fashioned sweaty workouts under your belt.

My personal exercise philosophy is short-duration, high-intensity, so all workouts are 20-40 minutes or less, and will have you breathless and burning!

Over the last 24 years as a fitness professional, my own personal journey from trainer to competitor to fitness model to CrossFitter and more has led me to my final exercise resting place--and that is heavy weight training combined with metabolic conditioning workouts for BEST physique results in less time.

And after years and years of obsessive dieting and hours of exercise, I now refuse to be in the gym longer than 45 minutes, and it's been this shift into shorter, more intense workouts that has allowed for me to stay fit, lean and functional into my 40s.

I want you to have a life outside the gym! And do things that make you feel good, athletic and like the inner badass you are!

The #Lean60 workouts have been designed specifically to facilitate that!


#Lean60: 60-Day Progressive Fitness Program to Help You Get Strong, Get Lean + Stay Consistent 

Cardio + Weight Routines for at Home or the Gym

Complete 37 short (but intense) workouts in 60 days and continue the momentum long afteršŸ’Ŗ

You in?

Enroll in #Lean60 - $159

Frequently Asked Questions

DISCLAIMER: These workouts are designed for educational and sharing purposes, and you follow them at your own risk. You are an adult, capable of listening to your body and knowing what it can and can’t handle. I have done my best to prepare you for a safe and effective workout, but please speak with your physician before starting any fitness program, especially if you are at a higher risk for illness and injury. Jill Coleman and Jill Coleman Fitness, S. Corp assume no risk for your voluntary participation in this program.